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Glossary / Dictionary of Electronics Terms - G

gain - Increase in voltage, current and/or power. Gain is expressed as a ratio of amplifier output value to the corresponding amplifier input value.

gain bandwidth product - A device parameter that indicates the maximum possible product of gain and bandwidth. The gain bandwidth product of a device is equal to the unity gain frequency (funity) of the device.

gamma rays - High frequency electromagnetic radiation from radio active particles.

ganged - Mechanical coupling of two or more capacitors, switches, potentiometers, or any other adjustable components so that adjusting one control will operate all.

gas - Any aeriform or completely elastic fluid which is not a solid or a liquid. Gasses are produced by heating a liquid beyond its boiling point.

geiger counter - Device used to detect nuclear particles.

generator - Device used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.

giga - Metric prefix for 1 billion (109).

ground - An intentional or accidental conducting path between an electrical system or circuit and the earth or some conducting body acting in place of the earth. A ground is often used as the common wiring point or reference in a circuit.

gunn diode - A semiconductor diode that utilizes the Gunn effect to produce microwave frequency oscillation or to amplify a microwave frequency signal.

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