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Allocations Chart System Table > Radio Frequency 28000 to 29700 kHz |
Radio Frequency Allocations Chart System Table |
Radio Frequency 28000 to 29700 kHz
This is the 10-meter ham radio band. Most activity is in USB from 28300 to 28600 kHz, with FM used in the range 29510 - 29700 kHz (the FM calling frequency is 29600 kHz). It is possible to receive amateur radio satellites between 29300 and 29510 kHz. Best reception is during daytime in years of high sunspot activity or during a sporadic-E propagation opening. There is also a significant amount of AM being used in this band also. This band is used for local ham communications all year round, with some FM repeaters above 29605 kHz in major metro areas. |
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