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Online Physics Glossary / Terms / Dictionary

Physics Definitions Start from B

Big Bang - The explosion and rapid explosion of matter that occurred at the creation of our universe. In the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang, all matter is thought to have consisted of free quarks and gluons at extremely high temperatures and densities. This plasma then cooled and coalesced into the particles and atoms that now make up all objects in the universe.

Black Hole - A region of space that has so much mass concentrated in it that there is no way for a nearby object to escape its gravitational pull.

Bohr Model - The amount of energy given to an electron when passing from the negative end to the positive end of a one-volt battery.

Bremsstrahlung - Radiation that is emitted when a free electron is deflected by an ion, but the free electron is not captured by the ion. Generally, it is a type of radiation emitted when high energy electrons are accelerated. (German for braking radiation)

Bubble Chamber - Particle with the same mass but opposite charge (and some other properties) as another particle under normal earth conditions.

Back-EMF - Potential difference a cross a conductor caused by change in magnetic flux.

Band Theory - Theory explaining electrical conduction in solids.

Baryon - Subatomic particle composed of three quarks. Interacts with the strong nuclear force.

Battery - Device that converts chemical to electrical energy consisting of two dissimilar conductors and an electrolyte.

Beat - Slow oscillation in amplitude of a complex wave

Bernoulli’s Principle - When a fixed quantity of fluid flows, the pressure is decreased when the flow velocity increases.

Beta Decay - Radioactive decay process in which an electron or positron and neutrino is emitted from a nucleus.

Beta Particle - High speed electron emitted by a radioactive nucleus in beta decay.

Binding Energy - Negative of the amount of energy needed to separate a nucleus into individual nucleons.

Boiling Point - Temperature at which a substance, under normal atmospheric pressure, changes from a liquid to a vapor state.

Breeder Reactor - Nuclear reactor that converts no fissionable nuclei to fissionable nuclei while producing energy.

Buoyant Force - Upward force on an object immersed in fluid.

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