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Dictionary of Units / Measurements

Speed Unit

The S I compatible unit of speed is metres/second. To change any of these other units of speed into their equivalent values in metres/second use the operation and conversion factor given. Those marked with # are exact. Other values are given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.

centimeters/minute     divide by 6000 #

centimeters/second     divide by 100 #

feet/hour              divide by 11 811

feet/minute            x 0.005 08 #

feet/second            x 0.3048 #

inches/minute          divide by 2362.2

inches/second          x 0.0254 #

kilometres/hour        divide by 3.6 #

kilometres/second      x 1000 #

knots                  x 0.514 444

Mach number            x 331.5

metres/hour            divide by 3600 #

metres/minute          divide by 60 #


metres/second [m/s]    1


miles/hour             x 0.447 04 #

miles/minute           x 26.8224 #

miles/second           x 1609.344 #

yards/hour             divide by 3937

yards/minute           x 0.015 24 #

yards/second           x 0.9144 #

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