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Dictionary of Units / Measurements

Mass or Weight Unit

The S I unit of mass is the kilogram. To change any of these other units of mass into their equivalent values in kilograms use the operation and conversion factor given. Those marked with # are exact. Other values are given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.

carats, metric         x 0.000 2 #

grains                 x 0.000 064 798 91 #

grams                  x 0.001 #

hundredweights, long   x 50.802 345 44 #

hundredweights, short  x 45.359 237 #


kilograms [kg]         1


ounces, avoirdupois    x 0.028 349 523 125 #

ounces, troy           x 0.031 103 476 8 #

pounds                 x 0.453 592 37 #

slugs (or g-pounds)    x 14.593 903

stones                 x 6.350 293 18 #

tons (UK or long)      x 1016.046 908 8 #

tons (US or short)     x 907.184 74 #

tonnes                 x 1000 #

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