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COSY Counter Token Number Displays

It helps you to serve your customers to their total satisfaction.

Counter Token Number Display for Offices, Banks etc.
New Addition :
Models also available with Infra-Red Remote Controls to increment or decrement the numbers with Handy remotes .Very useful for doctors, professional services providers.
  • Simple operation and easy to install.

  • Large size 3.5 inches high LED Displays.

  • Pleasant musical chimes.

  • Robust , heavy duty ,sleek designs in ABS plastic moulded cabinets.

  • Feather touch key boards.

  • Multi-Counter displays and custom designed systems for efficient Q-management.

  • Parallel and Double sided displays available.

  • Largest range of Token Display systems in India . Serving successfully to many Govt. departments , banks, Hospitals ,doctors , Restaurants, Canteens etc. in India and abroad.

  • Custom designed plastic moulded tokens with number embossing available.

Introduction:  Token Display System are ideal for Banks, Airports, Public dealing offices , Hospitals , Doctors Clinics, Restaurants and other such places where people have to wait in line for their turn. These systems allow customers to wait without having to stand in line, once their number is displayed then only will they have to get in line for their turn . Musical chime for calling number. Provision for Automatic increment / decrement of numbers by pressing a single key/ through IR remotes.

Also available models with number announcement with microphone and built-in alarm . 

All models are easy to install , operate & maintain. Any ordinary electrician can do the installation quickly.

New addition: Token Number displays with automatic Calling Counter Number display.

         Remote Controlled Counter Token Number Displays

Now also available token number displays with automatic calling counter number display. Automatic increment of token numbers with display of calling counter number is ideally suitable for serving offices with many counters. No need to make your customers stand in long quos in sunlight or rain and wasting time.  Just distribute tokens on first come first serve basis and as soon as any counter is ready to provide services the person there just has to press one push switch to show the incremented token number and respective counter number in displays. Also possible  to attach more than one display with a single system. Up to 10 counters can be connected in regular model. ( Optional : Announcement facility.)

Specifications of regular 3 digit Token Number Display:

Power Supply: 220v Ac ,or 12v Dc .
Dimensions: Display Unit: 15inches X 6.5inches X 1.5inches x 650 gms. appx.
                    Control Unit: 7inches X 6.5inches X 2.5 inches X 1 Kgs. Appx.

5 meters cable connector for connecting display with control unit is provided free with every system . Extra cable length will be charged @ Rs.50/- per meter.( Including courier charges )

Optional Items:

  1. Infra-Red Remote control provision with any of first 3 models  : Rs. 900/- extra.

  2. Double sided displays available at extra charges. ( Quoted separately)

  3. 12 Volt 7 Amp Hour chargeable battery for 3 hrs backup : Rs. 400/- extra.

  4. Microphone for announcements in display speaker with panic alarm Rs. 600/- extra. 

  5. Plastic Moulded Tokens with embossed numbers: Rs. 5 /- per piece (Min. order 100 tokens).

  6. Metallic chrome plated token stands : Rs.25/- per piece.( One stand can hold 50 tokens)

  7. Any custom designs / Logo engravings on tokens at extra charges as actual ( minimum order 500 tokens) .

Prices are all inclusive of taxes applicable, packing and courier charges within India.

Please send payments by D.D. in favour of COSY COMMUNICATIONS payable at Dehradun. No outstation cheques or D.D. are accepted. For various payment options click : http://www.cosycommunications.com/payments.htm

Warranty: COSY Token Displays are provided with  One year free service warranty against any manufacturing defect. (Defective items should be sent with return postage prepaid) along with copy of purchase to our Dehradun Works or New Delhi service centre. We assure a quick and satisfactory after sale service to our all customers.

Delivery: In case an order for single set is placed on us we usually dispatch goods within one week by suitable courier service or registered post parcel if courier service is not available, after receipt of 100% payment by cash/bank draft along with written order. There might be change in delivery time due to any circumstances and we shall not be responsible for any consequences. Customers are also advised to suggest their preferred courier or transport service. For bulk orders the delivery time will be informed accordingly.

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For any further queries or Export prices &  business correspondence please mail to cosycom@gmail.com

Manufactured by :
1, Indraprastha Enclave, Sewla,
Majra, Dehradun-248171 ( INDIA).
Tel.: +91-135-2640816
E-mail: cosycom@gmail.com
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