server-parsed HTML
<file format, World-Wide Web> (SPML, SHTML) A kind of HTML file
containing server-specific, non-standard commands which are interpreted by the
HTTP server and replaced by standard HTML or text before the data is returned to
the client.
Different servers use different command syntax and support different sets of
commands. The most common example is a server-side include command which simply
expands to the contents of some given file and allows bits of HTML or text to be
shared between pages for ease of updating. Other commands insert the value of an
environment variable or the output of a shell command. These allow pages to be
different each time they are served without requiring a CGI script.
Some servers distinguish SPML from HTML with a different filename extension,
others use the execute bit of the file's permissions.
Nearby terms:
server « serverlet « Server Message Block «
server-parsed HTML » server room » servers »