relational data model
<database> (Or "relational model") A data model introduced by E.F. Codd
in 1970, particularly well suited for business data management. In this model,
data are organised in tables. The set of names of the columns is called the
"schema" of the table.
Here is an example table with the schema (account number, amount) and 3 lines.
account number amount
-------------- ---------
12343243546456 +30000.00
23149875245824 +2345.33
18479827492874 -123.25
The data can be manipulated using a relational algebra. SQL is a standard
language for talking to a database built on the
relational model (a "relational database").
["A relational model for large shared data banks" Communications of ACM 13:6, pp
Nearby terms:
relational calculus « relational database «
relational database management system «
relational data model » relational DBMS »
relational language » relational model