MSIE ==>
Internet Explorer
<World-Wide Web> (IE, MSIE) Microsoft's free World-Wide Web browser for
Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT, and Macintosh. Internet Explorer is
the main rival to Netscape Navigator (which runs on many more platforms). Both
support the same core features and offer incompatible extensions.
Microsoft combined later versions of IE with their file system browser,
"Explorer" and bundled it with Windows 95 in an attempt to use their dominance
of the desktop operating system market to force users to abandon Netscape's
browser, which they perceived as a potential threat. This, and other dubious
business moves, became the subject of a US Department of Justice antitrust trial
in late 1998/early 1999.
Nearby terms:
Internet Engineering Steering Group « Internet
Engineering Task Force « Internet Experiment Note «
Internet Explorer
» Internet Express » Internet Foundation Classes »
Internet Go Server