["log: A Logic Programming Language with Finite Sets", A Dovier et al, Proc 8th
Intl Conf Logic Prog, June 1991, pp.111-124].
Nearby terms:
lock-in « Locus « Loebner Prize « {log} »
logarithmus dualis » LogC » logic
logarithmus dualis
<mathematics> (ld) Latin for logarithm base two. More commonly written as
"log" with a subscript "2".
Roughly the number of bits required to represent an integer.
Nearby terms:
Locus « Loebner Prize « {log} « logarithmus
dualis » LogC » logic » logical
A C extension incorporating rule-oriented programming, for AI application
programs. Production rules are encapsulated into functional components called
rulesets. LogC uses a search network algorithm similar to RETE.
Version 1.6.
["LogC: A Language and Environment for Embedded Rule Based Systems", F. Yulin et
al, SIGPLAN Notices 27(11):27-32 (Nov 1992)].
Nearby terms:
Loebner Prize « {log} « logarithmus dualis « LogC
» logic » logical » logical address
1. <philosophy, mathematics> A branch of philosophy and mathematics that
deals with the formal principles, methods and criteria of validity of inference,
reasoning and knowledge.
Logic is concerned with what is true and how we can know whether something is
true. This involves the formalisation of logical arguments and proofs in terms
of symbols representing propositions and logical connectives. The meanings of
these logical connectives are expressed by a set of rules which are assumed to
be self-evident.
Boolean algebra deals with the basic operations of truth values: AND, OR, NOT
and combinations thereof. Predicate logic extends this with existential and
universal quantifiers and symbols standing for predicates which may depend on
variables. The rules of natural deduction describe how we may proceed from valid
premises to valid conclusions, where the premises and conclusions are
expressions in predicate logic.
Symbolic logic uses a meta-language concerned with truth, which may or may not
have a corresponding expression in the world of objects called existance. In
symbolic logic, arguments and proofs are made in terms of symbols representing
propositions and logical connectives. The meanings of these begin with a set of
rules or primitives which are assumed to be self-evident. Fortunately, even from
vague primitives, functions can be defined with precise meaning.
Boolean logic deals with the basic operations of truth values: AND, OR, NOT and
combinations thereof. Predicate logic extends this with existential quantifiers
and universal quantifiers which introduce bound variables ranging over finite
sets; the predicate itself takes on only the values true and false. Deduction
describes how we may proceed from valid premises to valid conclusions, where
these are expressions in predicate logic.
Carnap used the phrase "rational reconstruction" to describe the logical
analysis of thought. Thus logic is less concerned with how thought does proceed,
which is considered the realm of psychology, and more with how it should proceed
to discover truth. It is the touchstone of the results of thinking, but neither
its regulator nor a motive for its practice.
See also fuzzy logic, logic programming, arithmetic and logic unit, first-order
See also Boolean logic, fuzzy logic, logic programming, first-order logic, logic
bomb, combinatory logic, higher-order logic, intuitionistic logic, equational
logic, modal logic, linear logic, paradox.
2. <electronics> Boolean logic circuits.
See also arithmetic and logic unit, asynchronous logic, TTL.
Nearby terms:
{log} « logarithmus dualis « LogC « logic »
logical » logical address » Logical Block Addressing
(From the technical term "logical device", wherein a physical device is referred
to by an arbitrary "logical" name) Having the role of. If a person (say, Les
Earnest at SAIL) who had long held a certain post left and were replaced, the
replacement would for a while be known as the "logical" Les Earnest. (This does
not imply any judgment on the replacement).
Compare virtual.
At Stanford, "logical" compass directions denote a coordinate system in which
"logical north" is toward San Francisco, "logical west" is toward the ocean,
etc., even though logical north varies between physical (true) north near San
Francisco and physical west near San Jose. (The best rule of thumb here is that,
by definition, El Camino Real always runs logical north-and-south.) In giving
directions, one might say: "To get to Rincon Tarasco restaurant, get onto El
Camino Bignum going logical north." Using the word "logical" helps to prevent
the recipient from worrying about that the fact that the sun is setting almost
directly in front of him. The concept is reinforced by North American highways
which are almost, but not quite, consistently labelled with logical rather than
physical directions.
A similar situation exists at MIT: Route 128 (famous for the electronics
industry that has grown up along it) is a 3-quarters circle surrounding Boston
at a radius of 10 miles, terminating near the coastline at each end. It would be
most precise to describe the two directions along this highway as "clockwise"
and "counterclockwise", but the road signs all say "north" and "south",
respectively. A hacker might describe these directions as "logical north" and
"logical south", to indicate that they are conventional directions not
corresponding to the usual denotation for those words. (If you went logical
south along the entire length of route 128, you would start out going northwest,
curve around to the south, and finish headed due east, passing along one
infamous stretch of pavement that is simultaneously route 128 south and
Interstate 93 north, and is signed as such!)
[Jargon File]
Nearby terms:
logarithmus dualis « LogC « logic « logical »
logical address » Logical Block Addressing » logical
logical address
virtual address
Nearby terms:
LogC « logic « logical « logical address »
Logical Block Addressing » logical complement »
Logical Interchange Format
Logical Block Addressing
<storage> (LBA) A hard disk sector addressing scheme used on all SCSI
hard disks, and on ATA-2 conforming IDE hard disks. The addressing conversion is
performed by the hard disk firmware.
Prior to LBA, combined limitations of IBM PC BIOS and ATA restricted the useful
capacity of IDE hard disks on IBM PCs and compatibles to 1024 cylinders * 63
sectors per track * 16 heads * 512 bytes per sector = 528 million bytes = 504
megabytes. Modern BIOSes select LBA mode automatically, and work around the
1024-cylinder BIOS limit by representing a hard disk to the OS as having e.g.
half as many cylinders and twice as many heads. However, there is still an
unbreakable BIOS disk size limit of 1024 cylinders * 63 sectors per track * 256
heads * 512 bytes per sector = 8 gigabytes, but modern OSes (including Windows
9x, Windows NT and Linux) are not affected by it, since they issue direct
LBA-based calls, bypassing the BIOS hard disk services completely.
Nearby terms:
logic « logical « logical address « Logical Block
Addressing » logical complement » Logical
Interchange Format » Logical Link Control
logical complement
<logic> In Boolean algebra, the logical complement or negation of a
Boolean value is the opposite value, given by the following truth table:
A | -A
T | F
F | T
-A is also written as A with a bar over it or with a small vertical line
hanging from the right-hand end of the "-" (LaTeX
\neg) or as A'. In the C programming language, it is
!A and in digital circuit design, /A.
Nearby terms:
logical « logical address « Logical Block Addressing
logical complement » Logical Interchange Format
» Logical Link Control » Logical Link Control and
Adaptation Protocol
Logical Interchange Format
<file format, file system> (LIF) A Hewlett-Packard simple file system
format used to boot HP-PA machines and to interchange files between older HP
machines. A LIF file system is a header, containing a single directory, with
10-character case sensitive filenames and 2-byte file types, followed by the
LIF Utilities for linux.
Nearby terms:
logical address « Logical Block Addressing « logical
complement « Logical Interchange Format »
Logical Link Control » Logical Link Control and
Adaptation Protocol » logical relation
Logical Link Control
<networking> (LLC) The upper portion of the data link layer, as defined
in IEEE 802.2. The LLC sublayer presents a uniform interface to the user of the
data link service, usually the network layer. Beneath the LLC sublayer is the
Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer.
Nearby terms:
Logical Block Addressing « logical complement «
Logical Interchange Format « Logical Link Control
» Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol »
logical relation » logical shift
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol
<protocol> (L2CAP) A Bluetooth protocol in the Core Protocol Stack
providing data services to higher layer Bluetooth protocols.
L2CAP Layer Tutorial.
Nearby terms:
logical complement « Logical Interchange Format «
Logical Link Control « Logical Link Control and
Adaptation Protocol » logical relation » logical
shift » logical shift left
logical relation
A relation R satisfying
f R g <=> For all a, b, a R b => f a R g b
This definition, by Plotkin, can be used to extend the definition of a relation
on the types of a and b to a relation on functions.
Nearby terms:
Logical Interchange Format « Logical Link Control «
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol «
logical relation
» logical shift » logical shift left » logical shift
logical shift
<programming> (Either shift left logical or shift right logical)
Machine-level operations available on nearly all processors which move each bit
in a word one or more bit positions in the given direction. A left shift moves
the bits to more significant positions (like multiplying by two), a right shift
moves them to less significant positions (like dividing by two). The comparison
with multiplication and division breaks down in certain circumstances - a
logical shift may discard bits that are shifted off either end of the word and
does not preserve the sign of the word (positive or negative).
Logical shift is approriate when treating the word as a bit string or a sequence
of bit fields, whereas arithmetic shift is appropriate when treating it as a
binary number. The word to be shifted is usually stored in a register, or
possibly in memory.
Nearby terms:
Logical Link Control « Logical Link Control and
Adaptation Protocol « logical relation « logical
shift » logical shift left » logical shift right
» Logical Unit
logical shift left
logical shift
Nearby terms:
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol «
logical relation « logical shift « logical shift
left » logical shift right » Logical Unit »
Logical Unit 6.2
logical shift right
logical shift
Nearby terms:
logical relation « logical shift « logical shift
left «
logical shift right » Logical Unit » Logical
Unit 6.2 » Logical Unit Number
Logical Unit
<networking> (LU) A primary component of SNA, an LU is a type of NAU that
enables end users to communicate with each other and gain access to SNA network
Nearby terms:
logical shift « logical shift left « logical shift
right «
Logical Unit » Logical Unit 6.2 » Logical Unit
Number » logic bomb
Logical Unit 6.2
<networking> (LU6.2) A type of logical unit that governs peer-to-peer SNA
communications. LU6.2 supports general communication between programs in a
distributed processing environment.
LU6.2 is characterised by a peer relationship between session partners,
efficient use of a session for multiple transactions, comprehensive end-to-end
error processing and a generic application program interface consisting of
structured verbs that are mapped into a product inplementation.
LU6.2 is used by IBM's TPF operating system.
[IBM Dictionary of Computing, McGraw-Hill 1993].
Nearby terms:
logical shift left « logical shift right « Logical
Unit «
Logical Unit 6.2 » Logical Unit Number » logic
bomb » Logic Design Language
Logical Unit Number
<storage> (LUN) A 3-bit identifier used on a SCSI bus to distinguish
between up to eight devices (logical units) with the same SCSI ID.
Nearby terms:
logical shift right « Logical Unit « Logical Unit
6.2 «
Logical Unit Number » logic bomb » Logic Design
Language » logic emulator
logic bomb
<programming, security> Code surreptitiously inserted into an application
or operating system that causes it to perform some destructive or
security-compromising activity whenever specified conditions are met.
Compare back door.
[Jargon File]
Nearby terms:
Logical Unit « Logical Unit 6.2 « Logical Unit
Number «
logic bomb » Logic Design Language » logic
emulator » Logic for Computable Functions
Logic Design Language
<language> A language for computer design.
["A System Description Language Using Parametric Text Generation", R.H.
Williams, TR 02.487, IBM San Jose, Aug 1970].
Nearby terms:
Logical Unit 6.2 « Logical Unit Number « logic bomb
Logic Design Language » logic emulator » Logic
for Computable Functions » logic gate
logic emulator
A system of FPGAs, programmable interconnect and software which automatically
configures itself into an operating prototype of a large-scale logic design,
such as a microprocessor. An emulated design can be connected into the target
system and really operated and tested before the design is made into an
integrated circuit.
Quickturn is the leading logic emulation system.
Nearby terms:
Logical Unit Number « logic bomb « Logic Design
Language «
logic emulator » Logic for Computable Functions
» logic gate » logic programming
Logic for Computable Functions
<language> (LCF) Part of the Edinburgh proof assistant.
[What is it? Address?]
Nearby terms:
logic bomb « Logic Design Language « logic emulator
Logic for Computable Functions » logic gate »
logic programming » Logic Replacement Technology
logic gate
An integrated circuit or other device whose inputs and outputs represent Boolean
or binary values as voltages (TTL uses 0V for False or 0, +5V for True or 1).
Different gates implement different Boolean functions: AND, OR, NAND, NOR (these
may take two or more inputs) NOT (one input), XOR (two inputs). NOT, NAND and
NOR are often constructed from single transistors and the other gates made from
combinations of these basic ones. These functions are all combinatorial logic
functions, i.e. their outputs depend only on their inputs and there is no
internal state. Gates with state, such as latches and flip-flops, are
constructed by feeding some of their outputs back to their inputs.
Nearby terms:
Logic Design Language « logic emulator « Logic for
Computable Functions « logic gate » logic
programming » Logic Replacement Technology » logic
logic programming
<artificial intelligence, programming, language> A declarative,
relational style of programming based on first-order logic. The original logic
programming language was Prolog. The concept is based on Horn clauses.
The programmer writes a "database" of "facts", e.g.
("water is wet") and "rules", e.g.
mortal(X) :- human(X).
("X is mortal is implied by X is human"). Facts and rules are collectively
known as "clauses".
The user supplies a "goal" which the system attempts to prove using "resolution"
or "backward chaining". This involves matching the current goal against each
fact or the left hand side of each rule using "unification". If the goal matches
a fact, the goal succeeds; if it matches a rule then the process recurses,
taking each sub-goal on the right hand side of the rule as the current goal. If
all sub-goals succeed then the rule succeeds.
Each time a possible clause is chosen, a "choice point" is created on a stack.
If subsequent resolution fails then control eventually returns to the choice
point and subsequent clauses are tried. This is known as "backtracking".
Clauses may contain logic variables which take on any value necessary to make
the fact or the left hand side of the rule match a goal. Unification binds these
variables to the corresponding subterms of the goal. Such bindings are
associated with the choice point at which the clause was chosen and are undone
when backtracking reaches that choice point.
The user is informed of the success or failure of his first goal and if it
succeeds and contains variables he is told what values of those variables caused
it to succeed. He can then ask for alternative solutions.
Nearby terms:
logic emulator « Logic for Computable Functions «
logic gate « logic programming » Logic
Replacement Technology » logic variable » LOGIN
Logic Replacement Technology
(LRT) Reading, BERKS. Tel: (0734) 751087. Marketing Director Bob Barrett.
Manufacturers of the Ethernet hardware including the Filtabyte Ethernet
controller card and EtherGate open access gateway.
Nearby terms:
Logic for Computable Functions « logic gate « logic
programming « Logic Replacement Technology »
logic variable » LOGIN » log in
logic variable
<programming> A variable in a logic programming language which is
initially undefined ("unbound") but may get bound to a value or another logic
variable during unification of the containing clause with the current goal. The
value to which it is bound may contain other variables which may themselves be
bound or unbound.
For example, when unifying the clause
sad(X) :- computer(X, ibmpc).
with the goal
the variable X will become bound to the atom "billgates" yielding the new
subgoal "computer(billgates, ibmpc)".
Nearby terms:
logic gate « logic programming « Logic Replacement
Technology « logic variable » LOGIN » log in
1. An object-oriented deductive language and database system integrating logic
programming and inheritance.
["LOGIN: A Logic Programming Language with Built-In Inheritance", H. Ait-Kaci et
al, J Logic Programming 3(3):185-215 (1986)].
Nearby terms:
logic programming « Logic Replacement Technology «
logic variable « LOGIN » log in » LOGISCOPE »
log in
<security> (Or "login", "log on", "logon") To start a session with a
system, usually by giving a user name and password as a means of user
authentication. The term is also used to mean the ability to access a service
(also called an account), e.g. "Have you been given a login yet?"
"Log in/on" is occasionally misused to refer to starting a session where no
authorisation is involved, or to access where there is no session involved. E.g.
"Log on to our Web site!"
"login" is also the Unix program which reads and verifies a user's user name and
password and starts an interactive session.
The noun forms are usually written as a single word whereas the verb forms are
often written as two words.
To end a session is to "log out" or "off".
Nearby terms:
Logic Replacement Technology « logic variable «
log in » LOGISCOPE » Loglan » Loglan'82
Software quality analysis tools from Verilog SA, used to evaluate the quality of
software, both statically (based on software metrics) and dynamically.
Nearby terms:
logic variable « LOGIN « log in « LOGISCOPE »
Loglan » Loglan'82 » Loglan-88
<human language> (Later "Lojban" /lozh'bahn/) An artificial human
language designed by James Cooke Brown in the late 1950s.
Most artificial human languages devised in the 19th and 20th centuries (e.g.
Esperanto) were designed to be easy to learn. Loglan, however, is unique in that
its chief design goal was to avoid synactic ambiguity -- the kind that arises
when trying to parse sentences like "The blind man picked up the hammer and
Loglan is thus the only human language unambiguously parseable by a formal
grammar (assuming you count Loglan as a human language; its grammar is not at
all like that of any natural human language).
Most later development on Loglan continued under the name "Lojban".
The Loglan Institute, Inc. is a non-profit research corporation.
Loglan is apparently unrelated to the programming languages Loglan'82 or
Halcyon Loglan.
Helsinki Lojban.
Address: The Loglan Institute, Inc., 3009 Peters Way, San Diego, CA, 92117-4313
E-mail: loglan@compuserve.com
Telephone: +1 (619) 270 1691.
["Scientific American", June 1960].
Nearby terms:
LOGIN « log in « LOGISCOPE « Loglan »
Loglan'82 » Loglan-88 » LOGLISP
<language> A teaching language including all the programming tools used
in object-oriented programming, modular programming, and structured programming
as well as programming by rules and functional programming.
Supported object-oriented programming features include classes, objects,
coroutines, processes (in Loglan'82 processes are objects which are able to act
in parallel), inheritance, exception handling, and dynamic arrays.
Loglan'82 is apparently unrelated to Loglan.
A cross-compiler to C is here.
[Related to Loglan-88?]
Nearby terms:
log in « LOGISCOPE « Loglan « Loglan'82 »
Loglan-88 » LOGLISP » LOGO
<language> An object-oriented language from the Institute of Informatics
at Warsaw University.
Loglan-88 is apparently unrelated to Loglan.
[Loglan-88, "Report on the Programming Language, LNCS 414, Springer-Verlag,
1990, ISBN 3-540-52325-1].
[Related to Loglan'82?]
Nearby terms:
LOGISCOPE « Loglan « Loglan'82 « Loglan-88 »
LOGLISP » LOGO » log off
A version of Prolog implemented by Robinson in Lisp which allows Prolog programs
to call Lisp and vice versa.
["LOGLISP: An Alternative to Prolog", J. Alan Robinson et al in Machine
Intelligence 10, D. Michie ed, Ellis Horwood 1982].
Nearby terms:
Loglan « Loglan'82 « Loglan-88 « LOGLISP »
LOGO » log off » LOGOL
<language, education> A Lisp-like language for teaching programming,
noted for its "turtle graphics" used to draw geometric shapes. LOGO was
developed in 1966-1968 by a group at Bolt, Beranek & Newman (now "BBN
Technologies") headed by Wally Fuerzeig <fuerzeig@bbn.com> (who still
works there in 2003) and including Seymour Papert <seymour@media.mit.edu>.
There are Logo interpreters for Macintosh, Unix, IBM PC, X Window System, and
many PCs. Implmentations include Berkeley Logo, MswLogo.
Nearby terms:
Loglan'82 « Loglan-88 « LOGLISP « LOGO » log
off » LOGOL » logon
log off
log out
Nearby terms:
Loglan-88 « LOGLISP « LOGO « log off » LOGOL
» logon » log out
Strings are stored on cyclic lists or 'tapes', which are operated upon by finite
automata. J. Mysior et al, "LOGOL, A String manipulation Language", in Symbol
Manipulations Languages and Techniques, D.G. Bobrow ed, N-H 1968, pp.166-177.
Nearby terms:
LOGLISP « LOGO « log off « LOGOL » logon »
log out » Lojban
1. <jargon> login.
2. <networking> In ACF/VTAM, an unformatted session-initiation request
for a session between two logical units.
Nearby terms:
LOGO « log off « LOGOL « logon » log out »
Lojban » LOL
log out
<security> (Or "log off") To end an authenticated session, undoing what
happens when you log in. This is primarily to prevent other users gaining access
to your logged in session, e.g. at an unattended computer, but typically also
terminates any processes and network connections started as part of your
Nearby terms:
log off « LOGOL « logon « log out » Lojban »