device independent bitmap
<graphics, file format> (DIB) An image format in which the sequence and
depth of pixels in the file is not specifically related to their layout in any
particular device. This allows any device dependent bitmap (DDB) image to be
converted to or DIB format without loss of information, and this can then later
be converted to other DDB formats for, e.g., printing or display. Rather than
requiring converters from each DDB format to all other formats, only converters
to and from DIB are needed.
DIB images are normally transferred in metafiles, bmp files, and the clipboard.
Transferring colour bitmaps from one device to another was not possible in
versions of Microsoft Windows earlier than 3.0. Application programs can build
DIB images without any interaction with Windows. If Windows lacks a drawing
primitive, the application can simulate it directly into the DIB instead of
using the existing graphics device interface (GDI) primitives. Unfortunately,
under Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1, GDI cannot perform output operations
directly to a DIB.
Conversion between DIB and DDB is performed by the device driver. Where the
driver does not have this facility, the conversion is performed by GDI but only
in monochrome. DIBs are slower to use than device dependent bitmaps due to the
conversions required.
Nearby terms:
Device Control 3 « Device Control 4 « device driver
device independent bitmap » Devil Book »
/dev/null » devo