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C Language Programming Library Reference Guide

Characters - Escape Sequences

The following escape sequences allow special characters to be put into the source code.

Escape Sequence Name Meaning
\a Alert Produces an audible or visible alert.
\b Backspace Moves the cursor back one position (non-destructive).
\f Form Feed Moves the cursor to the first position of the next page.
\n New Line Moves the cursor to the first position of the next line.
\r Carriage Return Moves the cursor to the first position of the current line.
\t Horizontal Tab Moves the cursor to the next horizontal tabular position.
\v Vertical Tab Moves the cursor to the next vertical tabular position.
\'   Produces a single quote.
\"   Produces a double quote.
\?   Produces a question mark.
\\   Produces a single backslash.
\0   Produces a null character.
\ddd   Defines one character by the octal digits (base-8 number). Multiple characters may be defined in the same escape sequence, but the value is implementation-specific (see examples).
\xdd   Defines one character by the hexadecimal digit (base-16 number).


Examples: printf("\12");
Produces the decimal character 10 (x0A Hex).

Produces the decimal character -1 or 255 (depending on sign).

Produces a single character (value is undefined). May cause errors.

Produces two characters whose values are implementation-specific.
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