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Tutorial > Identifiers
- Enumerated Tags |
C Language Programming Library
Reference Guide
- Enumerated Tags
Enumeration allows a series of constant integers to be easily
assigned. The format to create a enumeration specifier is:
enum identifier { enumerator-list};
Identifier is a handle for identification, and is
Enumerator-list is a list of variables to be created.
They will be constant integers. Each variable is given the
value of the previous variable plus 1. The first variable is
given the value of 0.
enum {joe, mary, bob, fran};
Creates 4 variables. The value of joe is 0, mary is 1, bob
is 2, and fran is 3.
enum test {larry, floyd=20, ted};
Creates 3 variables with the identifier test. The value of
larry is 0, floyd is 20, and ted is 21.
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