Home > Electronics Tutorials > Mono TV Receive Tutorial - Block Diagrams

Block Diagrams
Mono TV Receive Tutorial


The tuner unit converts the incoming sound and vision carriers to their IF frequencies.

For more information on how this is done, read the page on AM radios.

The oscillator is protected against frequency drift, due to temperature changes, by the Automatic Frequency Control (AFC).

The IF amplifier has a bandwidth wide enough to pass both sound (33.5 MHz) and vision (39.5 MHz) IF signals and their sidebands.

The video signal is demodulated and amplified and is used to control the brightness at each particular point on the screen.

The sync pulses are separated from the composite video signal by the sync separator.

These pulses are used to control the frequencies of the time bases, ensuring that they run at the same speed as, and in phase with, those in the studio cameras.

The time bases provide saw tooth waveforms which scan the face of the CRT, while the video signal controls the brightness at each point on the screen.

See the page on mono cameras to read about scanning.

The line time base also supplies the Extra High Tension (EHT) voltage for the CRT final anode.
This voltage is very high and dangerous.

Due to a mixing process between the sound and vision carriers, the sound signal appears as a 6 MHz FM signal at the video output stage.

It is amplified and demodulated.

The resulting audio signal is amplified and used to drive a loudspeaker.

A power supply supplies DC voltages to all stages.

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