Instructions and examples
(Use arrow-up to return to Calculator)
Add: +, Subtract: -, Multiply: *, Divide: /, Remainder: %.
Precedence: (), *, /, %, +, -. Decimal: . point
Expression: (1+2.5+3)*5-(7/3) Result: 30.1666...
6 * 9 % 7 Result: 5
6 * (9 % 7) Result: 12
If expression is selected:
clear it with a new entry,
modify it with arrow-left or right.
Use Alt+underlined-key to move in document, and
Tab or Shift+Tab for next or previous.
You can use the numeric keyboard,
with Shift key for its arrows.
For ºFahrenheit-ºCelcius conversion when you
enter any of the two (go with Alt+F or Alt+U)
the other one equivalence is shown.
For measures conversions select the type with
Alt+1...6 and open the box with
Alt+Down-arrow. Select the desired
conversion with down-arrow or up-arrow and
pulse Alt+o directly, which will make the
factor (multiply by) to be copied in the
expression line, for the addition to the
right of it of the quantity for which the
equivalence is to be calculated.
Square root: Math.sqrt(x)
Math.sqrt(144) Result:12
Raise x to power y: Math.pow(x,y)
PI constant: (3.14159...): Math.PI
Result: sphere volume, with given radius.
Natural logarithm of x: Math.log(x)
Sine of x: Math.sin(x)
Cosine of x: Math.cos(x)
Tangent of x: Math.tan(x)
Arcsine of x: Math.asin(x)
Arcosine of x: Math.acos(x)
Arctangent of x: Math.atan(x)