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PCB DIY - Fidocad Projects
Programmer for PIC 16F and 18F series, the 40-pin socket on the other enters directly adapt easily

Author: Prof. Dr. Marco Gottardo
Email:  ad.noctis@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Marco Gottardo
Project Code Short Description Image

Programmer for PIC 16F and 18F series, the 40-pin socket on the other enters directly adapt easily

Programmer for PIC16F877 and all compatible 40 PIN. but with some adjustments to be applied to the base program, a wide range of PIC series 16 and 18. Demoboard contains a section with 8 inputs and 7 outputs both indicated by the LEDs. It is programmed using the software Picprog2009, and other commonly found in the network. It has RS232 and ICSP connector for programming "in circuit".

Download the zipped file Fidocad

size 160 mm x 50mm

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